Wir sind ein europaweit agierendes Immobilienunternehmen aus dem Herzen Berlins. Unser umfangreiches Dienstleistungsspektrum umfasst die Vermittlung von Wohn- und Geschäftshäusern, Gewerbeimmobilien sowie Baugrundstücken. Dank eines umfangreichen Netzwerks an nationalen sowie internationalen Partnern, Investoren, Käufern und Verkäufern bieten wir für jede Anlagestrategie die passende Lösung.
In accordance with your purchase criteria, we identify appropriate investments for your real estate portfolio throughout Europe. From initial contact with the owner to final contract negotiations, we coordinate all communication between you and the seller. From on-market activities to complex off-market acquisitions, we cover the entire spectrum.
Together with our network of experts consisting of architects, surveyors, tax consultants, lawyers and auditors, we steer in a solution-oriented way any phase of your acquisition process. From the compilation of audit-relevant documents on their evaluation to the optimal completion of the purchase contract, we are working for you.
Together with you we determine the optimal time for your property sale. Depending on your strategy and vision, we act aggressively on the market or more cautiously in the off-market area. Whether selling at a fixed price or in a structured bidding process, we analyze and identify the right approach for you and then the perfect customer.
office properties
industry & logistics
residential properties
Kurfürstenstraße 193 A-K
10707 Berlin
T +49 30 9919 490 80
F +49 30 9919 490 89